Do Better Daily

Emily in Paris: 2 Business Lessons in One Little Scene

As “Emily in Paris” is set to return tomorrow, here’s one underrated scene from the Netflix favourite.

You’ve probably heard the classic advice: be proactive, network, and make connections. If you know anything about Emily you know she’s got that covered, she’s not exactly a shy one! It just so happens her French teacher is practicing another timeless piece of advice: valuing your time and setting boundaries.

So when Emily invites her to have coffee on her personal time, the teacher’s reply draws a clear boundary: “My rate outside class is 50 euros an hour”.

For all the glitz and fancy designers, it’s this little scene that should resonate with most people: Are you as outgoing as Emily? As confident in networking? And when someone asks for your time, are you comfortable naming your price? setting a clear boundary between professional and personal interactions?


Emily: Um, any advice on how to get an office full of French people to “aimer” me?

Jacqueline: You work in an office full of French people? 

Emily: Oui. 

Jacqueline: Wow. That must be… interesting. 

Emily: Mm. I’ll tell you all about it. 

Jacqueline: Yeah. 

Emily: Maybe we can go out and have a drink or something? 

Jacqueline: Oui, bien sûr. My rate outside class is 50 euros an hour. 

Emily: Oh… Bon. Or maybe not. 

Jacqueline: As you want. Have a good week.